Financial Performance Metrics Analysis
- Current Ratio
- Net Profit Margin
- Accounts Payable Days
- Quick Ratio
- Inventory Days
- Fixed Asset Turnover
- Gross Profit Margin
- Accounts Receivables Margin
- Debt-to-Equity Ratio
- Return on Equity
- Return on Assets
- Sales per Employee
- Profit per Employee
- Breakeven Analysis
- And more!
Create a summary report for all metrics that include recommendations. Print report as a PDF or export to a presentation.
Financial Performance Metrics Analysis Features
Analyze Your Financial Performance Metrics
Use the Financial Tools to Quickly Assess Your Current Financial Situation
View & Export Your Reports
Use Expert Templates to Accelerate Success
Instantly apply operations best practices to your process
- Get 100’s of out-of-the-box expert templates by adding a Praxie Pro subscription
- Gain confidence you’re using proven tools & processes
- Add, change, or customize your process to fit your exact needs
Our Customers Achieve Great Results
Praxie’s Manufacturing Ops application has greatly improved our daily management initiatives. With remote workers and several different locations, it’s easy to see how we are doing, identify issues, and track our improvements – no matter where we sit.
With Praxie we’ve created a way to report on complex projects that gives management full visibility. Executives have full visibility to all aspects of projects, assignments, etcetera at their fingertips.
Praxie’s software transformed our operations, enabling data-driven decisions and streamlining our manufacturing process.
We're Operations Experts with Decades of Experience
Your Operations Practice Lead
Michael Lynch is a creative and successful executive with extensive leadership experience in delivering innovative collaboration products and building global businesses. Prior to founding Praxie, Michael led the Internet of Things business at SAP. He joined SAP as part of the acquisition of Right Hemisphere Inc., where he held the position of CEO. During his tenure, he transformed a small tools provider for graphics professionals to the global leader in Visualization software for Global 1,000 manufacturers and led the company to a successful acquisition by SAP.
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